Argent performs in-service inspections for boilers and pressure vessels of all types and sizes. Prior to inspecting, our inspectors will contact you to gain an understanding of your equipment. Using that information, we can explain to you, your staff, and/or your contractor how to be prepared for the inspection so that it is effected as smoothly and quickly as possible. Our Technical Manager will also use that information so that we can fit you into our schedule in a manner that allows travel costs to be minimized and reduces the cost to you.
We provide a report and certificate (if certified) for each item inspected, and submit any requisite paperwork to the Jurisdiction over the items inspected. Our inspector will provide code references for any violations or safety concerns, and will work with you to come up with a plan to rectify any issues with as little hassle and expense as possible. Our goal is to help you keep your equipment in optimal condition so that there are no safety concerns or downtime if it can be avoided.
In subsequent years, we will contact you as your equipment’s certificate expiration is approaching. We will provide you a tentative schedule and preparation instructions, so that you can rest assured that your equipment stays in safe, and efficient working order.
If you’d like to find out more or schedule an inspection, please Contact Us.